
The Dashboard is by default displayed whenever you login to your account.

The data shown on the dashboard varies according to the user who is currently logged in.

The Dashboard is a powerful tool that offers users a comprehensive and visually appealing overview of the data and documents stored in their File-Eazy account.

One of the key features of the Dashboard is its real-time data updates. As new data or documents are added to the File-Eazy account, the dashboard automatically reflects these changes, ensuring that users have the most up-to-date information at their fingertips. 

The presentation of the data in the form of counters and pie charts is another notable aspect of the Intelligent Dashboard. By using these visual representations, complex information is simplified and made more digestible. Counters display numerical values, giving users a quick snapshot of the total number of data entries or documents in their account. On the other hand, pie charts visually illustrate the distribution or composition of the data, allowing users to easily grasp the relative proportions or percentages of different categories or types of information.

The Dashboard showcases the below details in Counter format…

Total Documents displays the total number of documents((Published & Draft) 
in File-Eazy!

Unpublished documents displays all documents that have been added using bulk import.

Check out documents displays all documents that have been checked out.

Forms displays the number of forms added in File-Eazy by the currently logged in user.

Workflows displays the number of workflows added in File-Eazy by the currently logged in user.

 Users displays the total count of users added in File-Eazy.

Document Types shows the total count of Document Types added in File-Eazy.

Departments shows the total count of Departments added in File-Eazy.

Stacks shows the total count of Stacks added in File-Eazy.

 Tag shows the total number of tag words added in File-Eazy.

Audits shows the total number of Audit events recorded in File-Eazy!

The Dashboard showcases the below details in pie-chart format…

Created with the Personal Edition of HelpNDoc: Full-featured EBook editor