Lets create a Transactional App between Library and Book Rental History

Library App

The app Library will be the Master App and will have the following fields..

  1. Title - AlphaNumeric
  2. Author - AlphaNumeric
  3. ISBN - AlphaNumeric
  4. Publication Year - Number
  5. Publisher - AlphaNumeric
  6. Genre - Checkbox

To create a new app in File-Eazy…

  1. Click on the Home tab in the Navigation pane on the left. 
  2. Click the button.
  3. The app creation dialog will be launched.
  4. In the App Info section, enter the App Name as “Library”. Set the option ‘Is this a Transaction App?’ to No
  5. Click on the App Design section, create the fields as displayed below… (When creating fields make sure you select the appropriate field type)

  1. Click on Save & Close.

Book Rental History App

The app Book Rental History will be the Transaction App and have the following fields…

  1. Borrower - AlphaNumeric
  2. ID Proof - File (This will let you upload a document to this record)
  3. Rental Date - Date
  4. Due Date - Date
  5. Actual Return Date - Date
  6. Notes - Text Area

To create a new app in File-Eazy…

  1. Click on the Home tab in the Navigation pane on the left. 
  2. Click the button.
  3. The app creation dialog will be launched. 
  4. In the App Info section, enter the App Name as “Book Rental History”. Set the option ‘Is this a Transaction App?’ to Yes
  5. Select the Master App as Library.
  6. Click on the App Design section, create the fields as displayed below… (When creating fields make sure you select the appropriate field type)

  1. Click on Save & Close.

Now whenever a record is added to the app ‘Book Rental History’, you will need to link the record to a record in the app called ‘Library’. 

Let's add a record to the app ‘Book Rental History’...

  1. Select the Home tab in the Navigation pane. 
  2. Select the button on the ‘Book Rental History’ app for which you want to create a record.
  3. Enter the necessary data for the fields (Borrower, ID proof, Rental Date)
  4. On the top, click on the link button in the section ‘Master app record from Library’ as displayed in the image below…

  1. A dialog will appear listing  the book records from the app ‘Library’.
  2. Select a book and click the Save button.

  1.  The record in the ‘Book Rental history’ will now be linked to the record in the library.
  2. Click on the Save & Close button.

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